San Juan Veterinary Clinic provides exceptional surgical care
We perform many surgeries, some of which are not commonly performed at most veterinary practices. SJVC has made tremendous investment in equipment and training to be able to provide this level of service. We are proud to provide these services, right here on the Western Slope. Having surgery done close to home helps allow you and your companion to be more at ease and makes for much easier follow-up visits.

Here are just a few of the advanced surgeries we can routinely perform:
- TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy)
- Laryngeal Paralysis Tie-back (Lar-Par surgery)
- Liver surgery
- Fracture repairs using bone plates, external fixators and interlocking nails
- Brachycephalic breed repairs: stenotic nares, elongated soft palate reduction
- Tumor removal