Our practice has been serving the Montrose area for a very long time. The practice has grown over the years due to unparalleled service and exceptional patient care. We offer the highest level of care and provide many services which are unavailable elsewhere in our area. We take great pride in being a practice that will listen and try to understand our client’s needs and discuss treatment options for our patients. We strive to provide the highest level of patient care possible.
Starting in June, 2013, and ending in June, 2014, the hospital was completely renovated. The changes created a hospital that is truly exceptional. Over the years the original building had been added on to several times, and did not adequately satisfy our needs for patient care and client comfort. Very few walls remain from the original building, those remaining were seriously modified. Although the extensive renovation was difficult and costly, the result was truly exceptional. We were able to enhance so many areas of the hospital for the benefit of our patients and clients.
We have been accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association. This is a tremendous honor; that is achieved by very few veterinary hospitals. To become accredited demonstrates an unwavering dedication to excellence in all aspects of a veterinary practice. For more about AAHA, see our home page and select “AAHA Accreditation” icon.
Our Philosophy
Provide the highest quality of patient care and customer service each and every time, treat our patients and clients as part of our family and strive to exceed their expectations.
We want to help clients provide the very best care possible for their companions. Our goal is to always challenge ourselves to improve the services we provide and to give clients the information to make the best decisions for their situation.
We are proactive with pain management and strive to provide innovative therapy options for the patient’s comfort. We challenge ourselves to be patient advocates and offer the most humane care possible. Animals are very tough and can endure tremendous discomfort if they have to; we offer options so that they won’t have to.
Community Involvement
- Montrose County Fair and Rodeo, donations and support
- 4-H Junior Livestock Sale, perennial buyer
- Second Chance Humane Society
- School presentations
- Montrose High School – Work/study internship
- Montrose High School – various donations for different activities
- Montrose Animal Protection Agency
- Charitable donations to Sharing Ministries and numerous other organizations
- Oak Grove Elementary School – playground construction
- San Juan Veterinary Clinic’s “Angel Fund” (supported by private donations)